
Superpower to Gain

With Atomization, you will commit to memory the Henry Ford adage that “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”

Target Output

The goal for this module is to begin to define the steps required to realize and productize your solution. The output you will end with is a diagram that works backward from an imagined end state to specify key sources of information that you will need to work with or otherwise leverage to create your solution.

Steps to Take

Click the Figma link below to access a new template. Duplicate it like you did with the Problem Identification template and rename it to make it your own.

[systemize] Atomization - Endpoint Definition Template[systemize] Atomization - Endpoint Definition Template

Double click on the second of the two notifications show in the mockup. The on the left side of the page click the “eye” icon in order to hide the layer. A “closed eye” icon will now be displayed.
Double click into the message part of the text message notification and draft a message that you could imagine a friend sending to you in order to notify you about something that they experienced using your service.
Hide the text message notification layer that you edited in the last demo, and un-hide the push notification layer that you hid in the last demo
Edit the name of the service that is sending the push notification to be the name of the solution that you’ve been designing in the last few modules. Edit the body of the notification to be something that you could imagine using to prompt yourself or others to re-engage with the service on a daily basis
Double click on the icon shown on the left side of the notification. Then drag the icon that you made with DALL-E in the last demo into the frame. Resize it and position it to appears as the icon for the push notification
Click on the Figma link below to access a new template. Duplicate it and rename it. Delete the screen that is shown on the right side of the canvas. Return to the mockup that you made in the last set of demos. Copy the whole mockup, return to the new canvas and paste it next to the green box “Trigger”

[systemize] End State Inversion - Template[systemize] End State Inversion - Template

Get out a pen and paper. Draw a sketch of a website that you (or another customer) would have landed on if they had clicked on the notification or on the link in the message that you imagined in the last demo
Take a photo of your sketch
Send the photo you took to yourself, and then drag the picture onto your canvas and position it next to the green box “Link”
Scroll further left in the canvas and, in the section next to the green Input/Data box, take note of the key pieces of information or content that appear on the screen that you sketched
Scroll further left in the canvas and make note of a potential Source for each of the key Inputs that you defined in the previous demo

Next Module

That’s the end of the core Systemize program. We have many more modules on things like creating Shortcuts on your iPhone. Text us if you want more!

Intro Video